Jubilee Debt Campaign Birmingham

Archive for January 2012

An exciting project in Liverpool called “Community Spirit” is coming to Birmingham on March 30th. It has worked with school children, 16-25 year olds and families to develop understanding between different faiths and cultures. The team have run cookery classes on outlying housing estates, with a focus on food for festivals.
Young people recommended by different faith leaders have undertaken training courses which widen their horizons, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone and meet people of other faiths. The young people have made videos of businesses, which have a special cultural flavour e.g a Caribbean Hairdresser, a Bagladeshi Supermarket, local Bakery and Cakeshop, giving opportunities to customers and managers to talk about the joys and challenges of living in inner city Liverpool.
Parties and team buidling weekends all help to foster support and understanding between the young people, who now have an greater appreciation of the diversity of a cosmopolitan city.
In the afternoon we hope to present some of the exciting work going on in Birmingham which brings people of different faiths and cultures together.
The event called, “Community Spirit” is on March 30th at “The Drum” 144 Potter’s Lane, Aston.10.45. -3.00p.m.
Cost £10.00 to include a Caribbean lunch. Places are limited so book early 0121 747 9897

This is your invitation to the Dharmic Faith’s Conference “Faith in Justice”
You are cordially invited to experience a fantastic event scheduled to take place during the World Interfaith Harmony Week on Thursday 2nd Feb 2012.

We have distinguished speakers from the Dharmic Faiths – Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Zoroastrian.who will share their faith perspective on global poverty and debt.
Chaired by Rev Prof Michael Taylor and including words from Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh

The event will enable those from all faiths and none to appreciate the role Debt plays in global poverty We hope within this conference you will get the opportunity to share some core beliefs and thoughts on social justice issues as they relate to debt.

JDC is very keen to collect diverse new resources for educational use that reflect the theology of many different faith groups and how they might link with the issue of international debt. It is our intention to make these new resources freely available via the web site www.jdcmultifaith.org you can collect hard copies at the conference when some leaflets will be launched for the first time.

The purpose of the day is also to raise awareness of Dharmic faiths with other faiths communities and also to raise awareness of JDC multi-faith project during the Interfaith Harmony week 2012.

This exceptional event will take place on:

Thursday 2nd Feb 2012
The Nishkam Centre
6 Soho Road, Birmingham,

Please ensure you book your place by contacting
Audrey Miller
E: Jubileedebt@blueyonder.co.uk
T: 0121 471 4175

The Jubilee Debt Campaign Logo
This is the blog of the local group of the UK campaign calling for cancellation of international Debt.

JDC Birmingham Photos

January 2012